A model has been fined after suddenly stripping nude in front of shocked viewers during a Facebook Live video. Ponpan Mayple Promdum, 26, had more than 150,000 people tuning in as she performed a dance in silver underwear on her bed. But during the live stream to promote a betting website the model stunned viewers - including children - when she removed her clothes.
Ponpan, who uses the name Mayple Pink Pink, has become a so-called 'net idol' in recent months - that is, someone who achieves celebrity status through the interet.
Mayple Pink Pink's footage went viral and was seen by police who arrested the ''product reviewer'' on computer crime charges.
On Wednesday, the 26-year-old made a grovelling apology after admitting violating Thailand's Computer Crime Act and accepting an �11 fine for distributing and profiting from indecent material.
Mayple said she was paid �69to perform a 30 minute long sexy show to promote a gambling page.
The police chief said that officers would be monitoring Facebook live for other sexy dancing offences.
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